Established in 1984, Mapping Specialists, Ltd. has gained an industry-wide reputation as a leader in accuracy, quality, and service by offering a broad range of graphic services. Our location in Madison, Wisconsin, a highly regarded center of cartographic resources, enables us to draw on a well-educated, skilled workforce and extensive local research facilities.
Established in 1984, Mapping Specialists, Ltd. has gained an industry-wide reputation as a leader in accuracy, quality, and service by offering a broad range of graphic services. Our location in Madison, Wisconsin, a highly regarded center of cartographic resources, enables us to draw on a well-educated, skilled workforce and extensive local research facilities.
From its beginning, MSL has always striven to be at the forefront of cartographic service and technology. Our cartographers have provided quality maps for encyclopedias, street mapping companies, educational publishers (including textbook maps and a wide array of materials for pre-school through college), travel guides, and federal, state, and local government publications. Our products are produced in a format compatible with virtually all well-known graphic design systems.
While maps can sometimes look deceptively simple to produce, all are created with exceptional attention to complex technical methods. By providing us with a small bit of information with regard to your needs, we can develop an accurate price estimate of what we expect it will take to produce your maps.
Mapping Specialists, Ltd. operates on a work-for-hire basis, which gives you the greatest amount of long-term flexibility and the best map for your money. Our maps are produced with our client’s future in mind. The files can be easily updated to accommodate thematic or geographic changes. By working closely with you to achieve your desired results, MSL effectively becomes part of your team. We can take your project from initial concept, through the design process, and deliver everything you require to produce your final product. Our project managers diligently supervise the whole process to ensure that schedules and budgets are met without costly overruns.
As our portfolio shows, Mapping Specialists’ highly skilled staff creates the very finest in a wide variety of mapping products for clients throughout the United States and abroad. We achieve this by using our expert backgrounds in cartography, geographical information systems (GIS), geography, history, current events, art and design, and computer graphics. From simple maps and graphs for grade school textbooks to highly detailed maps for spatial analysis and street guides, MSL is prepared to meet all of your custom cartographic and GIS needs.
We include many checks and balances into our production process to make certain that your maps are accurate, as well as eye-catching. We offer thorough research services and our editorial department ensures accuracy.

2990 Cahill Main
Fitchburg, Wi 53711
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